Maintenance and Repair

Reaper-Binder – How to Deal with Binding Failure

This is the article translated from NOUKINAVI blog. You can find the original post (in Japanese) here: バインダーの結束不良とその対処法について | ブログ|ノウキナビ ( The problems that account for 80% of all binder problems are “binding failure,” where the string does not bind the rice well, and cases where the string gets tangled in the machine.However, this is […]

Is gasoline spoiling or deteriorating the main cause of carburetor problems?

This is the article translated from NOUKINAVI blog.You can find the original post (in Japanese) here: キャブレターの不具合は、ガソリンが腐る・劣化するが主な原因? | ブログ|ノウキナビ ( In this article, I’d like to talk about carburetors, which are always attached to gasoline engines, not just agricultural equipment. In the first place, what are some of the problems with carburetors? Idling is not […]

Beware of overheating!

This is the article translated from NOUKINAVI blog.You can find the original post (in Japanese) here: オーバーヒートにご注意を!! | ブログ|ノウキナビ ( The hot days are still continuing. Recently, we have been receiving more and more requests for repair of overheating of tractors and other farm equipment. In this article, I would like to write about overheating […]

Check the machine before planting rice!

This is the article translated from NOUKINAVI blog.You can find the original post (in Japanese) here: 田植の前に機械の点検を!! | ブログ|ノウキナビ ( This time, I would like to write about repairing oil leaks in the drive harrow. The drive harrow is a machine that is used exclusively for raking, and is used to make the sowing and […]

“Storage inspection and maintenance” will make a big difference if you do or not

This is the article translated from TSUCHIKAU blog.You can find the original post (in Japanese) here: “やっている” ”やってない”で大きな差を生む「格納点検・整備」。 | 農業メディア TSUCHIKAU(ツチカウ) Ladies and gentlemen, how was the rice harvest and threshing this year? “It looks like the threshing process will go smoothly this year.” When the ears of rice were about to droop, I was talking […]

Causes of and countermeasures for the loss of farm equipment batteries

This is the article translated from NOUKINAVI blog.You can find the original post (in Japanese) here: 農機具のバッテリーが上がる原因とその対策 | ブログ|ノウキナビ ( Hello everyone.I’m Nakazawa in charge of service. It’s getting colder and colder. When it gets cold, there are many inquiries that the battery is dead.Here’s what’s causing your battery to drain and what you can […]

Can you fix it at home? Introducing self-maintenance of farm equipment

This is the article translated from NOUKINAVI blog. You can find the original post (in Japanese) here: 自宅でできる!?農機具のセルフメンテナンスを紹介 | ブログ|ノウキナビ ( Hello everyone. We’re going to show you how to maintain farm equipment easily at home. Some farm equipment is used throughout the year, while others are used only a few times a year. If farm […]